Sunday, November 9, 2014

The move...

It has been way too long since I last posted to my blog! Since my last post we have painted the office and installed new carpeting. AND NOW! Our doll making production area is moved out of the dining room where it has resided for six years, and is fully ensconced in the office. Rita finally has her own computer. All the doll clothes are hung up in a closet instead of on a table or hanging on a drying rack. We are next to the printer/copier. All my fabrics and patterns are in sight so I can plan my next outfit and know what supplies I need. We have a much cleaner, neater environment. And if it does get messy, we can shut the door! We have a dining room! We can actually eat there. And invite people over without having to rush around and make room. There are still a few little kinks to work out, but it is good. Rita and I both are looking forward to the Christmas rush with a little more hope in our hearts. We have made plans about decorating for Chistmas. It won't be at the last minute, rushing around with loads of stress. Hope is in the air. Orders are coming in. We prayed long and hard that the Good Lord would bless our efforts. We prayed He would help us move into the office. He did. Now we pray he bless our little dolls that they will be a blessing to their new mommies. Thank you Jesus. Just plain, thank you. My cup overflows. David