Monday, December 8, 2014

Mason, a Christmas joy!

On Saturday my sister Linda Sue took Rita and I to our annual Christmas pageant. It is always a wonderful break from the craziness of making dolls just before Christmas (even elves need a break!). The beginning features some wonderful Christmas choral selections performed by different chorales my the Citrus Hill college. Its my favorite part. Absolutely love it. But! I got to meet Mason. A five-year-old bundle of Down's syndrome enthusiasm and hope. Mason was antsy as all five-year-olds are, anxious to see Santa. Mommy dutifully laid out the program for Mason so he could understand that he had to wait. First the singing, then the intermission and a snack, and then Santa! Mason was, at first, a little overwhelmed but so excited at the same time. Mason did pretty well waiting. He played with the seat and played musical laps with Mom and Dad. Things went as Mom had said. Singing. Intermission. Snack. Its time! The lights dimmed. The music brought the few stragglers to their seats. The music came to a crescendo! The curtain rose! SANTA!!!!!! I must tell you, this old mad relived his joy of Christmas in that very moment. Little Mason, held in Daddy's lap, had a look of joy, excitement, and absolute bliss, and clapped like no one ever has. That very moment, will live inside me forever. Mason was ensconced from then on in Daddy's lap and love, and paid rapt attention to the entire program. Finally, he got to go up on stage to meet Santa and get his candy cane treat. My absolute joy was watching him. In one moment, I got to relive the anticipation of Santa, the Christmas joy of Christmases past, the joy of being a Daddy and giving that to my children, and I felt a part of it all. Isn't that what we all want? To be a part of it all. I loved it so very, very, much. Thank you sis. Thank you Mason. David