Saturday, September 20, 2014

Rudeness is as rudeness does.....

Yesterday Rita and I did our monthly shopping at Wal-Mart. We bought about four hundred dollars worth. Being frugal, we do the price comparisons that Wal-Mart offers. On their ads, they allow you to price match any competitors ads. That means we can get their meats, produce, dairy items all at sale prices in one store! Doing this comes at a price though. It takes a lot of time to ring up our order. We explain to people behind us that it takes a while and they may want to get into a different line. I figure, its their choice. To me, doing this just makes sense. If I can get quality items for much less money in one place, then we will have more money in my pocket when we are done. Rita and I work hard for our money. We worry about our business. We weather through the lean times. We work our "tooshies" off in the fat times. But it is our money. We earned it. So when we are in line, and we explain to you that it will take some time to ring up our order, believe it. Yesterday, an older "gentleman" became very frustrated. He started yelling at the cashier. She was new, it wasn't her fault. Then the worst part happened. He became racist. Our clerk was Hispanic, new to her job, and a bit frustrated. She was doing her absolute best to follow the rules and ring things up right. She had to ask for clarification on a few items. It just takes time. When our rude "gentleman" started speaking VERY loudly, I told him he wasn't helping and asked him to calm it down a bit. He was rather chagrined. A bit later, he said in a very loud voice "she doesn't even speak English!" I responded very firmly that she spoke very good English and stared him in the eye. He knew I wouldn't budge. He walked away spouting his invective at anyone that was in earshot. Disgusting. At least he went away. The clerk was rattled and stressed out. There is no excuse for behaving badly. He had the choice. He was told it would take a while. But he didn't get what he wanted. He wanted it now. And he didn't get it. Luckily, the clerk had more class in her little toe than this man had in his entire life. She was tired, frustrated, and rattled. She thanked us for being patient, and we apologized for that man. At least she didn't have to ring him up. I seriously doubt that man felt even the slightest bit guilty for how he behaved. Rudeness. No excuses. None. David

Friday, September 5, 2014

To paraphrase....

Yesterday is a memory. Tomorrow is but a dream. But today, THIS day, is full of possibilities. Its a new day, make it yours! David

Monday, September 1, 2014

On this Labor Day

I enjoy the end of summer, the chance to celebrate the end of one season and the beginning of another. On this Labor Day, I must work some. Yesterday was a day off. Really. We took a day off. We talked, read some scripture, enjoyed one another's company, ate, and ate some more. I truly love spending time with my sweetheart. Everyday. The blessings just keep piling on. Being with Rita, makes me want to be a better man. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve her. It is so darned easy to become complacent. Doing the same thing, day in, day out, makes me feel like I am living life by rote. But, now and then, Rita does or says something that makes me laugh, or puts me in awe, and I am reminded that I messed up my last relationship and don't want to do it again. I have been given the ultimate second chance in life. I need to make sure Rita knows how much I love her. Everyday. David As always, your thoughts and comments are always welcome.