Monday, September 1, 2014

On this Labor Day

I enjoy the end of summer, the chance to celebrate the end of one season and the beginning of another. On this Labor Day, I must work some. Yesterday was a day off. Really. We took a day off. We talked, read some scripture, enjoyed one another's company, ate, and ate some more. I truly love spending time with my sweetheart. Everyday. The blessings just keep piling on. Being with Rita, makes me want to be a better man. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve her. It is so darned easy to become complacent. Doing the same thing, day in, day out, makes me feel like I am living life by rote. But, now and then, Rita does or says something that makes me laugh, or puts me in awe, and I am reminded that I messed up my last relationship and don't want to do it again. I have been given the ultimate second chance in life. I need to make sure Rita knows how much I love her. Everyday. David As always, your thoughts and comments are always welcome.

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