Friday, August 29, 2014

Change for the sake of change

Last night Leslie and Stuart put the finishing touches on the office.  All the little details are done.  It is so nice.  Clean.  I can't wait for the flooring to go in.
I can actually see what it will look like.  How it will all go together. 
Until now, every year we have had to pack up the business in a mad rush at the last minute in order to have company over for Christmas.  We get most of the decorations up, but the business was done on the dining room table.
I must tell you, each time packed things up, and then unpacked them after the holidays, there would be something positive that came out of it.  Maybe a new way to organize things.  New ways to store our stuff.  It was a way to re-examine what it is we do.
Moving into the office is the ultimate in change.  It will be a little hard to get used to.  But having what I need, when I need it, at my fingertips, will streamline things greatly.
Being able to see what we need to order easily, will take some of the stress off.  We always worry that something important has not been ordered.
Having worked at Stater Bros. Markets for thirty-five years, I found that the quarterly inventories were a great source of change.  We would find ways to get rid of slow moving product.  The back room would be much better organized.  It helped us to be prepared for the next holiday.
Change, just for the sake of change.  It helps us to stay fresh.  It helps us to think clearer.  Maybe its as simple as reorganizing the Tupperware cupboard.  Or taking a fresh look at the "junk drawer."
The Good Lord has it right.  Morning turns into daylight into evening and night.  Every day.  Seasons change.  Its all good.  David

As always, your thoughts and comments are welcome.

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