Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A deeper understanding of my faith

What a difference a little time makes!  Two months ago, the truck broke down.  No money to fix it.  No credit card to rely upon.  Just a truck that won't start. 
Rita and I have a number of people in our lives that love us.  First is my big sister.  She helped us by using her AAA card to get the truck towed to Perris Auto Repair.  They couldn't figure it out, but $500 later found the culprit, a wire had been chewed by a rat.  They repaired that and got the A/C running.  Phew!  We worked hard for the money, but we did it.
We thought we had it made.  But no!  A few days later it quit while I was driving us home from a doctors appointment.  Dead.  The motor turned over, but it would not start up.
Big sister to the rescue again.  We get it down to the shop, only to find out the fuel pump was shot.  Eight hundred sixty dollars, and three weeks later, we had it back.
But during this period of nearly two months, I learned of kindness shown by friends, of our own resilience, and my faith had grown. 
Not just Susie helping us by getting the truck towed and taking us shopping, paying the house payment, etc.  But my brother Mike and his wife Linda, inviting us out for dinner.  We were scraping together every penny to fix the truck, and they took us out to dinner.  Man did we need it.
Then there is my buddy Larry.  Drove all the way up here, took me back, let me use the car, and I did a months worth of shopping.  I bought him breakfast.  He ended up doing that twice for us.  I am grateful.
Then there was Stuart and Leslie, picking up prescriptions, taking me shopping twice and just being nice about it. 
Finally there was our neighbor Brenda.  Brenda has no vehicle of her own, but she lent her ear, and gave us her friendship.  She cared.  I am humbled.
My Lord has taught me some incredible lessons.  That we have friends that love us.  A friend in need...
When this time of "trouble" started, I was stressed out.  Big time.  I prayed.  But I was stressed.  Truck.  Bills.  The business.  How is this affecting my Rita?  Etc.  You get the idea. 
The most important lesson of all, Susie helped me to see.  By the time this was all over, my faith had grown.  I was less stressed because I was much more able to put it into God's hands.  I needed to go through all this to gain more trust in Him.  All things in His time.  David

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