Thursday, August 28, 2014

A time for change

Recently I heard a news commentator speak of the "end of summer" looming right around the corner.  End of summer?  Already? 
While we have had some pretty strong heat waves here in So Cal, for the most part, our summer mornings on the porch have been wonderful.  A great way to start the day.
I remember as a child, dreading the end of August.  Ugh.  We had the Norco Valley Fair to look forward to, but the last day of the fair with the parade and all, heralded in the end of summer.  Often, the very next day would be the first day of school.
Given the choice, I would much rather have spent my day riding my Schwinn bicycle, exploring the river bottom, swimming at the city swimming pool, and wrestling with my buddies.
School.  I had to get up early, get dressed, take the bus, and face a new teacher.  They had expectations.  I had to perform.
Lets see.  Summer playtime or homework?  The choice for me was clear. 
Accepting that change in season, that drastic change in lifestyle, was not something I wanted.  To accept life's changes is something I had to learn as I matured. 
To accept the changes, embrace them, in His time, was not fun as a child, but I certainly see His wisdom now.  Those changes come with benefits I could not see then.
Now, I look forward to cooler mornings, to some rainfall.  I look forward to changes in our business (yes, things are changing!).   I look forward to the sun going down earlier.  I look forward to hearing the coyotes bringing out their new batch of babies and serenading us with their song.  I look forward to the different style of cooking!  Less barbeque (sad), more roasts and soups and turkey and stuffing.  Yes, its right around the corner.  Yum.
So, being able to accept changes in life, whether its the weather, old age, business, food, grandkids, its all so very wonderful in His time.  I have learned to love it.  Can't wait for tomorrow.  David

As always, your comments and thoughts are always welcome. 

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