Sunday, August 3, 2014

My Rita

Seven years ago today, I married the love of my life.  My wife.  My girl.  My "go-to" when things are down.  My shoulder to cry on.  My help-mate.  The truest friend I have ever had.
She loves me in spite of my faults and I love her the same. Actually we love one another because of those faults.  We are who we are, accepted, loved, and a little bit wacky.
Every day our sense of humor shines through.  Even the tough times.  And these are tough times. 
This day, this special day, I want so badly to take you out on the town, do something special to commemorate our anniversary.  Dinner, talk, and canoodling.  Holding hands. 
Alas, we can't do that today.  No money, vehicle is in the shop, and there is work to do.  We will enjoy this day nevertheless.  We will have a nice dinner, we will talk, and we will canoodle!
I am with you nearly twenty-four/seven.  Yet it never gets old.  Every day is an adventure.  I love seeing the gears turn in your head as you try to figure things out.  Inventive ways to save money,  Crazy ways to work our business.  You help me to figure out the bills. 
Most importantly, when its important, you listen.  You really listen.  With you, I am valued.  I hope I do the same for you.  Sometimes I think I can never measure up. 
How did I get this woman in my life?  God must really love me.  I am blessed beyond measure.
Happy anniversary sweetheart.  I love you.  David

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