Monday, August 11, 2014

On my knees in gratitude.....

Yesterday, things really came together for us.  Two dolls sold, we have enough to fix the truck, and a couple of bucks to buy supplies.  Maybe even save a bit to save.
It has been a rough couple of months with the truck down.  But it taught me a few things.  Prayer, specific prayer, and looking to see if we are within God's will, makes the difference.  We will succeed if we ask for what we want, as long as we are within His will.  It may seem tough to do.
Often, people run into problems and assume God will fix it.  But you have to do something.  Not just hope.  I believe that when faced with a problem, you need to pray.  Pray solemnly, fervently, and specifically. 
Kind of like talking to your boss.  State the problem.  Clearly so you understand it as well.  State your options.  Ask for his guidance.  Be open to other solutions you may not have thought of or don't want.  Be open to his input.
Then old adage, "do something, even if it is wrong, do something" comes to mind.  Try to solve it yourself.  As you go, you will see whether it was the right thing to do.  He may be teaching you the value of hard work.  He may be teaching about making decisions.  He may be teaching you about His will (was your solution choice within His will?).  The worst one, He may be teaching you patience.
He may be saying "not yet".  
To boil it down, prayer, problem stated, considering His will, and action will solve most problems.  Sometimes He wants you to rely upon other people for help.  This may be an opportunity for you to express gratitude.  It may be an opportunity to sow a seed or two. 
Give Him a shot.  The answer is there if you are open.  David

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