Monday, July 28, 2014

What about you?

From time to time people read my blog.  There it is.  My blog.  Just the nature of it is narcissistic.  I write about what I want.  All about me, my troubles, my successes, etc.
What about you?  Who are you?  What about your trials and tribulations?
I am curious.  I can learn from friends and family, and even complete strangers. 
The world is full of everyday stories.  Everyday people going through their everyday lives.  Dealing with life.  What about you?
What are your failures that you would be willing to share?  Not that this is a Dear Abby column, but we can learn from one another. 
I am interested.  I would love to hear from you.  Please, take the time.  It would make this old man's day.  And it can be anonymous.  David

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