Sunday, July 6, 2014

The doll connection

To many people, the revelations I put forth today will be a "duh" moment.  It will be patently obvious to you.  But I ask you to consider the "why" as you read this blog today.
Rita and I make dolls.  Absolutely beautiful dolls.  I am proud of that. 
I have known all my life that girls play with dolls.  I was a typical boy.  Cars and trucks, Lincoln logs, baseball, wrestling in the front yard with friends, camping, you know, guy stuff.  Dolls never interested me.  Its one of those things that make little boys curious about girls.  They are weird.  Playing "dress up."  Talking.  We guys don't talk so much. 
As a parent, seeing my daughters play with dolls, I saw how much joy they got from them.  Not just dressing them, feeding them, putting them in bed, etc. etc.   But they would talk to them.  They would name them.  It was God's practice for them when they would nurture and love their own baby.  Like I said, duh.  No kidding.
I have known all these things intrinsically but it has crystallized in my head.  We men are the hunters, protectors, providers.  We have to learn these things that seem to come so naturally to girls.
When I saw my sister Susie, pick up one of our dolls for the first time, She instantly cradled it in her arms, patted its back, and said "Ahhhhh....."   It was then I began to get the connection. 
The Good Lord sure does know what he is doing.  Women are DESIGNED for babies.  Duh.  Not only to make them, but to love them, care for them, nurture them.  God spends girls childhoods gearing them up for that moment. 
Dolls become a part of a girls memories of childhood.  A part of their innocence.  A memory of fun times they had with other girls. 
Not trying to be sexist here.  But, thankfully, women are different from men.  We all bring different things to the parent table.  Women bring those things that provide for the human race.  Love, caring, nurturing, in short, humanity. 
I am glad I am a man.  But I am grateful for what women bring to this world.  And not just babies.  David

As always, your comments are welcome.  :-)

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