Sunday, July 27, 2014

Reslilience is difficult!

This morning I awoke at three a.m.   Thinking about the business.  Thinking about money.  How will we do it?  Yesterday Rita and I put in a long day trying to make something happen so we can fix the truck.  Humph.
I went back to sleep, thankfully.  I awoke at six a.m. ready to tackle whatever comes our way. 
The old adage, "God helps those that help themselves" comes to mind.  If we don't put forth the effort, we won't be rewarded. 
Today, I will put up more listings on eBay.  I will build another doll or two.  Hopefully get them listed as well.
Unfortunately, I am not in control of our customers purse strings!  I can take good pictures, I can list at a good price, but will it be enough?  Only god knows.  That's the hard part. 
Let thy will be done.  I want it to be my will  so badly.  But I must submit it to him.  It will be in His time, His way, the way He wants it.  It is so very hard to submit.  But, I must. 
I have to let go of my pride.  My ego wants to be able to say, "I did it", but it won't happen without His say so. 
So, God.  Your will be done.   I know your will is in my best interest.  I know you are helping me to be perfect.  I fall so short.  I look forward to your lessons, to your teachings, to the opportunities you present me.  I am grateful.  With your help, with your guidance, with your blessings, we can do anything!  David

As always, your thoughts and comments are always welcome. 

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