Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Car troubles! UGH!

About seven weeks ago, I went out to start my truck.  Nothing.  Without going into details, truck busted.  No drive today.  Stay home.  Dang.
My wonderful sister Susie drove all the way to my house to take me to the bank and store to get some supplies.  Thanks sis!
As Rita and I don't get out much, it hasn't been a MAJOR problem for us.  We have had to rely upon Susie, my buddy Larry once, and Stewart and Leslie a couple of times.
Luckily, we don't get out much.  Maybe twice a month to pay bills and get odds and ends.
In saving up enough money to get the truck fixed, I have learned a few things.  First, how wonderful it is to have my sister and friends that are willing to help us.  I am doing all I can to not wear out that friendship. 
Second, my brother Mike and his wife Linda have stepped up to the plate and taken Rita and I out to dinner, and we are expected at their house for dinner this Saturday.  Linda is even going to pick us up and bring us back!  It will be nice to get out.
The care and concern from everyone has been just awesome.  That word gets overused, but I am in awe they are so good to us.  I would do the same for them.  But it feels good.
This morning we have the truck towed to the shop.  On a prayer.  Hopefully it won't cost too much.  If it does, it will have to be towed back until we have the money to pay for the repairs.  Oh, how I hope we can get it fixed.

Father, guide them as they diagnose the problems.  Help them to keep the costs down.  And help us to deal with the answer.  Whether it gets fixed, or we have to wait, give us strength and confidence that we will persevere.  Thank you so much for our family and friends.  We are blessed.  Amen.

Have a great day all!  Lets face this day with optimism and hope!  David

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