Saturday, October 19, 2013

Had a great day yesterday!  We got a lot done, shipped one doll out, and completed two others.  Pictures to take, listings to do, gotta go, gotta go!
Meanwhile, our evenings are filled with scrabble and the two of us making goo-goo eyes at one another. 
Things are not quite the same around here with our cocker spaniel, Ladybug, not underfoot.  She woke me up every morning for her daily constitutional.  Sure miss that.
I am hoping I can talk to all my kids today.  I miss them a lot.  Long distances sure get in the way.  I missed my grandson Ethan's first birthday.  Bummer.  Got to see pictures though.  Sure is cute.
Looking forward to church tomorrow.  We get to see my Auntie Dot (Dorothy).  Best hugs in town.
All in all, things are good here.  We have ramped up our Christmas doll production early and are hoping to sell a few more this year. 
If things go well, we might be able to pay for Christmas, and even buy plane tickets to see Rita's family in Baltimore.  It has been nearly five years since we have seen them.  Can't wait.
Anyway, go forth, chin up, be positive, and treat each other well.  D

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