Monday, October 21, 2013

Went to church yesterday with Auntie Dot.  What an amazing woman.  In his sermon, the minister spoke of the gifts that we all bring.  He even spoke of one lady that simply sharpens the pencils for some teachers while she is watching TV.  Such a simple thing, but it speaks volumes to the teachers that they are loved and valued.  It also gives that sweet little lady a good feeling about herself.
He didn't speak of my aunt yesterday, but I thought of her special gift, steadfast love.  Steadfast.  She has been a rock all my life.  ALL my life.  I always felt loved and welcome when I walked in that door. 
She has been the one to be sure her kids graduated and went to college.  She set the standards in that house.  Love one another as I have loved you comes to mind.
An amazing woman.  All her kids are grown and have their own lives.  I am certain there are times when she and Chris get lonely.  I am looking forward to giving back to her some of the love I have received. 
One last thing, You have never felt so loved until you have had a hug from Auntie Dot.  The heart warms, and the troubles melt away.  I am at peace in her presence. 
We will bring her dinner soon.  Can't wait.  D

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