Monday, October 14, 2013

Its been a LOOONG time since I posted here.  I'm going to try to remedy that.  Rita and I have been trying to get back to church.  Been way too long.  We have decided to try my aunts church next Sunday.  Can't go wrong there.  Nice people, and I get a hug from Auntie Dot.  Can't lose!
We didn't make it this Sunday, but we had a short bible study.  Rita chose 1Cor 11:24.  It was the part about the communion Jesus had with his disciples, body and blood of Christ and all that. 
We talked about thankfulness.  I remembered and old friend of my Dads, Ken Whittington, and itinerant preacher.  He once told me that if he ate a meal without saying grace and being thankful, he would have indigestion.  I guess out of guilt.
I need to be more thankful.  The Lord has blessed me so much!  From the pit of despair, he brings this wonderful woman into my life.  It is just simple amazing how my life has turned around.
Yes indeed, I need to be more thankful!

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