Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day recap

The veranda was cleaned and vacuumed.  The house was clean and neat.  The kitched was stocked with wonderful smells and tantalizing delights.
Rita and I had the salads prepared the day before.  Sister Linda brought the appetizers.  Sister Susie brought the ice, brats, and some other stuff.  Sean brought the beer. 
My job was to barbeque the chicken breasts and brats.  Never had brats, but my big brother Mike raved about them earlier.  I cleaned the barbeque for the grilling season.  Turned on the burners.  Worked fine.  I was ready for the grilling.
Everybody showed up.  I got set to start the grill.  Turned on the gas, lit the fire, and hardly any flame was there. Ugh.  No such thing as problems, only opportunities!
Into the house I went to put the chicken under the broiler.  And to my pleasant surprise, in comes my son Sean.  How wonderful!  We talked.  Just talked.  It was really nice.  No one else, just the two of us.  It made my whole day.  So what if the barbeque crapped out?  I got to talk to Sean.  Nice.
The food was finished, bellies were filled, and talk flowed.  Jokes told.  Love passed around from person to person.  I could not have asked for a better Father's Day. 
Unless my own dad was there.  Missed him.  Someday we will meet again.  Someday.  David

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing that beats talking with your kids. My world also stops when my kids call.
