Thursday, June 26, 2014

Its been too long....

I am sorry that I haven't posted anything for ten days!  I am sorry to myself mostly.  Not many people ever read my blog.  But I have found that by writing in this journal, I am more contemplative, more thoughtful, and I am more focused.  My values and judgments seem straighter.
Today, a man I went to high school with, Darrell Bolin, wrote this in facebook:

"These are the days".... Some good, others bad.... Would I change anything....? Nah, As fire shapes metal, so does life shape us.... Control your fire, and fan the flames gently.... Have a wonderful day, and, um, I'll try and behave.... 

This comment has so much within it.  An acceptance of life as it is.  Not spending time filled with regret.  I can accept my life, accept wrongdoings done to me, and my own wrongdoings as well.  Life is what it is. 
Life shaped me.  It forged me into who I am.  What I do from here on is my responsibility, and my opportunity.   I can choose to love or hate.  I can care or ignore.  I can reach out, or sit in my armchair. 
I have a fire.  My fire of life.  It still burns brightly.  My passion for life is strong.  My body may be crapping out, but my heart knows what it knows.
I can choose to fan my fire carefully, keep it strong, use that fuel to live a life I want.  Or I can whip that fire into a frenzy and burn out way too soon.  I like the steady flame metaphor. 
So no.  I would not change a thing.  Regrets?  A boatload.  But I wouldn't change a thing.  If I could change anything is how my actions and my words affected others.  But I wouldn't change me.
So to anyone reading this, "Have a wonderful day, and, um, I'll try and behave....  "  David

As always, your thoughts and comments are appreciated.  Feel free to respond!  :-)

1 comment:

  1. I too am thankful for the rocks on my road, but I would change some things; not the things that happened to me but the way I responded to them. Thankfully I still have time to learn!
