Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I.  Am.  Content.

Are you?  I find contentment in my daily life. Not that everything is perfect.  Its not.  My relationship with Rita isn't perfect.  Pretty darn close though.  Our finances are not perfect.  Far from it.  Neighbors?  Don't get me started.

And yet.  I am content.  Go figure.  Every morning I wake up and have my cup of coffee.  The sun rises.  The dogs poop outside.  My toilet flushes.  My hair (what little I have) sticks straight out.  Kind of like Bozo the clown.  And so the day begins.

Every day I make the conscious decision to love my wife.  I make the conscious decision to love the Lord.  I make the conscious decision to be thankful for all the many blessings He has given me.

I make plans for my day.  I live my life.  At the end of the day, I thank Rita for spending it with me.  I am so very grateful she has chosen me.  She doesn't have to.  She chooses me. 

How cool is that?

I think I need to tell the Lord that I am grateful He has spent the day with me as well.  He doesn't have to.  He could ignore me.  But, He chooses me.  Little old me.  Well, maybe not so little.  Six feet and six inches of little old me. 

I am blessed.  And I am content.  Are you?

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