Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Yesterday, I wrote about being content.  Today, such a wide range of emotions!  I am SUPER excited.  The little girl in the picture, is a doll that Rita created.  Her name is Daimy.  I think this is the best doll Rita has ever made.  It blows me away.

The reason for my excitement, is that Daimy sold!  She is leaving today on a two week trip to her new home in St. Petersburg in the Russian Federation!  St Petersburg is a beautiful city with no graffiti, clean streets, impressive buildings, etc. 

She will be living about a mile from the Peter and Paul Fortress.  This is now a tourist trap, with a gold domed cathedral.  Very impressive.

Daimy has been made for almost a month now.  We took her to our doctors office to show her off.  We have been telling them about our dolls, and they always ask to see one.  Finally we took her in. 

The oohs and aahs, the excitement from all the staff, was wonderful.  Gave Rita a big shot in the arm.
Daimy is now our ambassador to St Petersburg.  She represents Rita and I, and also the capability of Americans.  I hope she will bring joy to her new mommy!

In the opening paragraph I wrote of my wide range of emotions.  I am excited.  But also a little sad.  This little girl is our pride and joy.   It will be sad to pack her up into a box and never see her again.  I am proud.  I am please we made some money to help us make a good Christmas for those we love.  And last, I feel accomplished.  Someone from fifteen thousand miles away, wanted our doll.  Was willing to pay to have her shipped all the way there.  Wow.

What a great day.  What a great country we live in.  What a great marriage I have.  I am happy.  I hope you find your joy today!   David

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