Sunday, December 1, 2013

4:30 AM.  All is quiet.  Turbo is softly asleep at my feet.  Waiting for the coffee to finish.  The sun won't come up for a couple of hours.  Flea, my cat, softly mews.  I have read the news.  I played my Sudoku.  I checked eBay and Etsy.
Its December first, and we have had to shut down taking any more orders for dolls.  We are full.  We ran a sale in November, and it was incredibly successful.  Now we just have to make them all.  Phew!
Its Sunday.  Unfortunately we won't be able to go to church today.  Way too much to do.  Maybe our priorities are a little skewed.
It is a real pleasure to make so many Christmas gifts each year.  It is fulfilling to know that so many kids will open a present to find our baby inside.  Kind of cool.
Today will be spent building dolls and continuing to organize all our supplies and orders.  It will be over in three weeks or so. 
Then, time to catch our breath, and enjoy some time to ourselves.  Play scrabble.  Eat.
To all our friends out there, stay busy, but not too busy.   Take time to enjoy this wonderful season.  Stay warm.  Eat good food.  And love.  Most of all, love.  David

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