Saturday, February 15, 2014

A wonderful evening. Sublime.

Last night, Rita and I took my brother Mike, his wife Linda, and my sister Susie to our "special" restaurant, Centro Basco in Chino, Ca.  This is where I wooed my wife.  Whenever we go there we are treated special, and made to feel welcome. 
Great food, warm inviting atmosphere, friendly staff.  I have never had anything there that wasn't wonderful. 
But last night was just special.  We all had a blast.  I must admit, I was a little worried that I may have hyped the place too much.  I brag about it all the time.  I wasn't sure if they would like it as much as I do.
Turned out everything was perfect.  The night was one I will not forget for a long time.  A once in a lifetime experience.
We were lucky enough to get our favorite waitress Olivia.  This girl is sweet, friendly, and sharp.  She is good at what she does. 
I guess I am bragging a little too much.
If you are interested visit their website, check out the menu, read a little about their history, and get a feel for the place.  If you go, I promise, you won't be sorry.

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