Thursday, February 27, 2014

Grandchildren getting married.

Our little "Bobbers" is getting married!  When I met Bobby, he was a skinny twelve year old boy.  Thick coke bottle glasses.  A little nerdy.  But there was one unmistakable aspect I learned early on. 

He loves his Mom-mom.  No question.  Undeniable.

We haven't seen him for about five years now.   The last time we saw him he was graduating from high school.  Since then he has gotten a job, found a girlfriend, had a baby, gotten his own place, and is finally getting married.  Maybe not the best order to do it all, but he is doing it.  It is his own path.

I am so happy for him and his new family.  His soon-to-be bride, Keri, sounds wonderful.  When we get to Baltimore for the wedding will be the first time we have met.  Keri has been regaled with how wonderful Rita is by Bobby and his mom, I don't see how Rita can live up to it!  I am afraid Keri will be expecting a halo, angels, stars, orchestra music, and butterflies and bunnies all lined up to see her.

On second thought, that will probably happen.  Rita is amazing.  Maybe not the butterflies and bunnies, but the rest is possible.  I am certain they will get along.

Rita is just hoping Keri likes her.  I don't see how she could not. 

I can't wait to see the rest of the clan.  All the grandkids, and that new great-grandchild, Kyleigh.  We have a picture of her at the beach on the desktop picture on our laptop.  See that everyday.

I am rambling a bit.  That is because I have so many mixed emotions.  I hope it all goes well.  I want Rita's kids to like me.  I am pretty sure the grandkids will like me.  I want to have fun.  But I want to look to the future and see what it would really be like when we move.

I don't want the kids to know right away that I can be a curmudgeon.  When I get tired I get cranky.  Sometimes I am picky.  But I want them to like me. 

I do have an ace-in-the-hole with Bobby's mom, May.  She loves us.  Undeniably.  Guess that's a pretty good place to start.

Weddings can be so messy.  Usually, everybody puts on their happy face, and is cordial and pleasant.  I am the outsider there.  I will try to stay in the background and just watch everybody.  But it is hard for me to do that.  First of all I am 6' 6" tall.  Kind of hard to hide.  I will do my best.

There are so many wonderful things that can come out of this trip to Baltimore.  We will meet Bobby's new bride, his child, and see their wedding.  We will re-establish ties.  Maybe even meet the realtor we have been talking to.  Grandkids.

The best part?  Maryland crabs.  I have been Jonesing for those for five years.  Gonna be fun. Mmmm

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