Saturday, March 1, 2014


Spring has sprung early at the Meese household!  Time to clean and organize after the holidays. 
One of our goals is to get our workshop out of the living room and into the office.  It is a little smaller, but we can be much more organized.  Shelving, lighting, storage, computers can all be positioned just the way we want them.  I am looking forward to it.
Also, a side benefit is being able to cool only one room instead of the whole house!  And it is right across from the wood burning stove so we can be warm in the winter.  Nice.
I think it is vital that we take the time once or twice a year and shake things up a bit.  Not just the house, but our jobs, our day to day life, our relationships.  Take them out, dust them off, shine 'em up with Pledge.  Take care of what we have and cherish our blessings. 
I know.  Its my common theme.  But I try not to take what I have for granted.  Its a way to be happy!
Have a great day all.  David

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