Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Its yours!

One of my favorite sayings I got from Dr. Phil.  Often at the end of each show he will say something like, "its a great day, make it yours!" 
I just love that.  Each day we have the opportunity to remake ourselves.  Each day is a unit unto itself. 
You can choose to be friendly.
You can choose to be helpful.
You can choose to hide yourself from others.
You can reach out.
You can go though your day just like all the others and be bored.
You can choose to find excitement.
You can sing.
You can be grumpy.

Oh, the list goes on and on.  You get the idea.  I choose THIS day, to love my wife, to smile more, to flirt a little.  I choose THIS day to listen more and talk less.

Its my day dammit.  God made it for me.  Little old me.  Its mine.  I choose to make it a good one!  David

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