Monday, March 24, 2014


Those that know me well are aware of my love for politics (or hatred....).  I read up every day who is doing what, laws passed, money spent, on and on.  It is sort of a passion.  I can rant and rave when I get a mind to, but this blog is not the place. 
This blog helps to keep me grounded.  For me, it is a daily reminder of what is important to me.  God, my wonderful wife, family, friends, our customers, paying the bills.  Pretty much in that order.  Politics is way down the list.  Besides, I can only vote now and then.  It doesn't pay to be frustrated at a politician, when everything else is doing well.
My political philosophies are varied.  You might think you could peg me with a certain label, but I don't fit into any political hole.  There are things about the party that I am associated with that I am deadset against.  I am proud of that.  I have my own mind.
With politics, players change, ideologies vary, and the focus of our country seems to waver from time to time.  This is not true with God, my wife, my family, friends, our customers, or paying the bills.  That never changes.  Never.
It may seem kind of boring, but it is my rock that I lean on.  I depend on.  I rely on.  Politics is just that.  Politics.  Fun to watch, important to be aware of, but its not all that.  David
PS I can't wait for the next election!

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