Sunday, March 23, 2014

Yes. Its Mert.

All of us gathered at sister Susie's house yesterday.  After hanging up her new TV and failing to hang a shelf for the DVR, we enjoyed our enchiladas a la Mert.  It was fun, and it was good.  Not as good as my memory, but the specialness of the day made it all work. 
We finished the evening with a fire in the outdoor firepit,  and as the fire grew into coals, we each toasted our marshmallows and had s'mores. 
I could not have asked for a nicer evening.  Good food, love, conversation, humor, and Mike claiming to be the King of the Fire.  Clearly he is the king.  He needs to be king of something,  Might as well be that!
I am blessed with so much in my life.  It is overwhelming how much He loves me.  How much He loves my family.  Thanks Jesus.  David
PS I still don't know who Mert is. 

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