Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The office is coming along!

After the Christmas rush, Rita and I reflect upon the previous year, how we handled the rush, and what we can do better next year.  Several things came to mind.
Currently, our doll making area is primarily in the dining room, with a photoshop in the living room, and another computer in the office.  It has worked pretty well for us, but as our business grows, we need to consolidate and have as much in one area as we can.  After much deliberation, we have decided to try moving into the office.  As we looked at the area in the dining room we currently use, the square footage is greater than the dining room.  It just doesn't feel like it.  The dining room is more open and the office is a closed in bedroom. 
Not to get into the nuts and bolts of it, but we can make it work, as long as we can maintain good lighting, and keep fresh air circulating. 
I think we have it all figured out.  I hope. 
Rita will finally have a computer that is hers alone.  That she can use whenever she needs.  She can communicate with the buyers, purchase doll clothes, etc.  It will make things much easier.
Once we have accomplished all that, its time to look at other places in our lives that need consolidation, cleaning up, better light and fresh air.
Maybe a trip to the mountains is in order!  David

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