Thursday, March 20, 2014

Where are you?

This is where I am supposed to be.  Right here.  Are you where you are supposed to be?
I ask this as I reflect upon my last few years.  It seems there was a planetary alignment centered around me.  I was in the absolute wrong place a while back.
Hiding from God, pursued by my own demons, running frantically trying to keep up, scared, hurt, angry, tired, I did not know what to do.
My house of cards I had built came crashing down.  Embarrassment, humiliation, loneliness, and no one to turn to.
The good Lord knew this would happen.  It was destined.  I needed to learn.  I needed to appreciate what I have, find confidence within myself, pick myself up, and face my demons,  I had to face my actions.  I had to take responsibility for hurting those I love.
It has taken a long time.  Its not over yet.  But I have learned.  I learned there are things I can do to make sure I don't get into that place again..  There are people I can talk to.  There are people I can trust. 
And.  As always.  I can trust in Him. 
So, are you where you need to be?  Are there things haunting you?  Have you hurt loved ones?  There are things you can do.  There are people you can talk to.
Don't wait until your house of cards comes crashing down.  Don't wait.  It takes courage.  It takes humility.  But it is so very much worth it.  I promise.  David

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