Friday, March 28, 2014

Meester Fleester

Some of the common threads throughout my blog are my love and affection for my wife and a deep abiding appreciation for this time on earth the good Lord has given me.  For my many, many blessings.
I have become aware of the deep differences between me and my cat, Meester Fleester.  Don't get me wrong, he is a great cat.  Very affectionate.  Funny.  Sweet sometimes.
But Fleester is a true narcissist.  "I want my food.  Pet me.  I want it now.  Leave me alone.  Do it now.  I am going to sit in your lap now.  Time for a bath."
The earth revolves around him.  Heck, the sun rises and sets for him.  If you were to ask him, he would tell you he is the "I am." 
Now its time for him to kill that imaginary fly.  Funny cat.  David

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