Saturday, March 15, 2014

No Shower????

Last night Rita and I watched "Live from space" on the National Geographic channel.  It was nothing short of amazing.  Stunning.  Scary.  Yucky.  Adventuresome.  I could go on and on.  In fact I just did.
This program was a live conversation with a woman on the ground in Houston at the command center.  She became our outer space tour guide.  She interviewed a couple of astronauts that had spent time on the space station recently.  In fact one had just gotten home four days earlier!
This program was able to talk live with three astronauts that are currently in the space station two hundred and fifty miles above the earth.  Zero gravity.  They floated around and showed us some amazing things. 
During the two hour program we circled the earth with them one and a half times.  They travel at seventeen thousand miles and hour.  Mind boggling.
The scenery we saw was awesome.  They started over eastern Russia, and in a few minutes we were over Hawaii!  During the program we tracked our movement over the earth.
Viewers were able to chat with the host and ask questions of the astronauts.  Live.  Of course they asked about the toilet facilities.  Too small for me.  And bathing.  They get no showers.  At all.  Zip.  Nada.  Zilch.  For six months.  They wipe off with towelettes.  Ugh.
They showed some of the experiments they were working on.  Like developing new medicines that can pinpoint cancer cells and leave the other cells alone.  And ants. They were studying weightless ness on ants.  Not sure the benefit there, but who knows.   And its always fun to watch ants.
They spend a lot of their time up there working.  But they get some down time.  They watch movies and read.  One of them watched the new space flick Gravity with Sandra Bullock.  I don't think I could do that.
What about claustrophobia?  What about homesickness?  You just can't walk out the door and go home.  They are able to talk to family and friends on an almost daily basis, but they look out the window and see home.  Every day.
I admire these brave and adventuresome souls.  I don't want to be them.  I appreciate that I got a glimpse of what they do.  But, I like my back porch, I like my coffee pot using fresh, non-recycled water.  And I like my shower.  David

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