Thursday, March 13, 2014

Little David is looking out the window again.

As a child, my report cards would often state something like, "David seems to be easily distracted and not focused on his schoolwork."  More often than not my grades suffered.  I found it very hard to stay on track when studying. 
Unless the subject matter really interested me, I found it extremely difficult to focus.  The response from teachers, parents, etc. was just for me to try harder.  When your brain is not wired the same as others, it doesn't work that way.
I wasn't until I was an adult, studying what I wanted to study, that learning came easier for me.  I think my brain was able to settle down some and see patterns and systems more fully.  It started to make sense.  When I went back to college, I got straight A's. 
So, if you have a child with ADD or ADHD, have patience.  It may take a while for their brain to mature.  That child is not stupid, nor lazy, but just not wired like other folks.  God doesn't make junk.  It takes time.
An article I just read was from an adult with ADHD.  He said, "never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you.”
I have found that those that love me, get it.  My Rita, gets it.  We can be talking out on the veranda for our morning coffee, and in the middle of the conversation, and I am distracted by a pretty bird.  I love that.  But, I have learned to be more aware of the conversation, and to get back to it.  What she says is important to me.
Have patience.  Its just little old 6 ' 6" me.  David

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