Monday, March 10, 2014

Did we win?

Yesterday I wrote that my brother Mike and his wife Linda were coming over.  They brought over some really nice cabinets that they had replaced in their kitchen.  After getting a good look at them they will be perfect when we move our doll making facility into the office.  We have been planning this for several months now.
I have found that, often, change is good simply for the sake of change.  It gives new perspective, revitalizes enthusiasm, keeps the mind focused.  I have a hard time doing the same thing over and over.  I need mental stimulation. 
This move will bring several things together for us.  All our supplies will be more organized and readily available.  Writing orders for more will be simpler because we will know exactly what we have. 
But the best part, is Rita will have her own computer.  We have two computers now, one in the office and one in the dining room where we currently make the dolls.  They are both where I sit.  In order for her to use one, she had to displace me in the dining room or go into the office.  A hassle for both of us.
I am hopeful that our production will be more streamlined and it will make the dining room much nicer.  Instead of being full of stuff like my sewing machine and Rita's doll paints, it will have a tablecloth and centerpiece.  The doll clothes will be in a closet instead of hanging on a rack in the living room.  I am looking forward to that! 
So, for now, my restless brain has something new to do.  Organize, improvise, adapt, find an new way to make things work. 

As far as last night goes, we ate, we played, we talked, and we laughed.  Mike and I had the lead in pinochle, I was thinking this would be a walk in the park.  But no!  The girls came up to tie us at the end and took the final hand.  AAAAUUUGGGHHH!

To summarize last night, we lost at cards, but won in life.  I can live with that.  David

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