Sunday, March 9, 2014

Time spent

Often, in this blog, I write of my own personal enjoyment of the little things in life.  I am grateful I can appreciate the little things in life.  A pretty morning, birds chirping, a good cuppa coffee.
Today, there will be something much more special.  My big brother and his wife are coming over for dinner and cards. 
The house is decorated nicely.  Everything is clean.  The food will be great.  But the best part, is seeing Mike and Linda.  Mike and I were estranged for many years.  In the past few years, we have come back together as a family. 
It feels good.  It feels right.  I missed him terribly.
He is still the grumpy old curmudgeon, giving everyone his wisdom whether we want it or not.  That is his due.  He is the patriarch now.  And I am glad to have him back.
This world can be pretty tough if you have no one that loves you.  I am so damned lucky.  I have my wife, my sister, my kids, friends, and now Mike.
My life just seems fuller with him around.  I often find myself wondering what Mike would do in certain situations.  We are very different in many ways, yet we are very much the same.  I could go on and on explaining that, but just know, I value his judgment. 
I don't always follow it, but I value it.
Mom and Dad are gone.  Some of my classmates are gone.  We are getting older.  Life seems shorter, Time is so very much of the essence. 
Time, the gift He has given me.  Today, I will spend my time enjoying my brother and his wife.  I will spend my time, enjoying the gift of love He has given me through him. 
Its gonna be fun.  David

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