Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Where is my steak?

All my life I have been fortunate to have a dog or two in my life.  I don't believe I ever lived without one.  Ever.
From my childhood twenty-three year old buddy Blackie, to Peanut, Punkin, Shasta, Cody, Zinger, Daisymae, and more recently Ladybug, Turbo, and Mookie.  Each played a role in shaping who I am today.  Each gave me comfort and joy.  Sometimes solace.
The canine friend I am writing of today is Norman.  A buff cocker spaniel that had the patience of Job, the sweet loving a mother would give her child, the fence fighting ferociousness of a stick of butter.  He would fence fight with another dog, as long as it wasn't too big.  If it was too scary, he would hide behind me and bark.
Ah, the love though.  There was none better than Normie.  I was single, living alone.  I would come home from a long day at work, tired, frustrated, and worn out.  At the door, everyday, I was greeted with love.  Everyday.  No matter what.
I was working the graveyard shift and often, on my days off, I would spend my time off awake in the wee hours of the morning.  Not much to do then.  So I would put a small fire in the chiminea, sit in my camping chair, prop my feet up by the fire, turn on a light and read.  Normie would be at my side in his small bed.  Its amazing how quiet it is at two in the morning.  I loved the solace.  He was always at my side.
But what ever I did, wherever I went, Norman would be there (except work of course).  Saturday mornings would be spent having coffee with my friend Larry, and Norman would tag along.  We would go to Charlie's Chili in Newport Beach, eat an omelet, and smell the ocean.  Normie would be there.
Normie would sit in the car, waiting to go bye-bye while I worked on the brakes.  Fully expecting to leave.  He would not leave until we drove around the block.
Larry and I took a weeklong trip to Death Valley in an off-roading experience I will never forget.  Norman sat in the backseat, just happy to be there.  He became our honorary navigator.  No matter what, he was happy to be there.  Just to get a treat and some good belly rubbing. 
Even in my darkest times, he was there.  How could I be sad when Norman was there to make me laugh? 
It turned out, that Norman was a big part of why Rita and I got together.  As we courted, we discovered our common fondness for our favorite author, Dean Koontz, and buff cocker spaniels.  If she had not loved Norman, and I had not loved Ladybug, we never would have gotten married. 
That's a deal breaker for me.  If you don't love my dog, something is not right.
I am not sure if I have conveyed how much he meant to me.  But he was my saving grace at a tough time in my life.  He was my comedian.  He was the reason to come home.  He was my foot warmer.  He was my buddy.
And, he stole my filet mignon steak.  Off the counter.  Before I could even cook it.  Oh well, if it was to go to someone else, I guess it should be Normie.  Miss you buddy.  David

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