Friday, March 14, 2014

Things are better now!

I spent a good part of yesterday cleaning the office.  Shredding bills etc, sweeping, neatening things up a bit.  As I was going through a pile of bills from five or six years ago (they were put in a desk that never really got looked at) I had a glimpse of where we were financially back then.  This was not long after I had my triple bypass open heart surgery.  I lost my job as a result.  Things got tough.
I found overdue bills, disconnection notices, threats from creditors.  Emotionally it put me back in that frame of mind.  Each day I would worry.  We juggled payments.  We prayed.  We worked hard for a few dollars to pay the bills and eat.  My Rita is wonderful at stretching a dollar. 
We never went hungry.  A few creditors got pretty fussy.  But we survived.  With confidence in our God given talents, perseverance, and hope, we embarked upon this doll making Little Darlins Nursery business. 
Sometimes we would sell a doll and make only ten dollars for a full days work by both of us.  Two days work.  Ten dollars.  But it was ten more than we started with.  It helped.  Other times we would make a little more. 
When we would go to the store, we would keep an eye out on the sides of the road looking for firewood to heat the house.  I kept a saw in the back so I could cut pieces to fit in the back of the Suburban.  We always seemed to find enough to keep the fireplace going.  I think He was watching out for us. 
We would make a pot of beans to stretch our meals.  Pretty good eating for cheap.  Much better that air sandwiches.
We stretched every penny.  We rolled up our change to pay bills a few times.  Or put gas in the truck so I could see Kyle.
We held yard sales.  We put our wares out on the main road hoping for a few bucks.  Sometimes I would get nothing.  Kind of disheartening.
But!  With hard work, perseverance, dedication, penny pinching, and faith that He would see us through, we made it.
Today, our bills are paid each month.  We have a full freezer and pantry.  We have stock for the business. 
Most importantly, we have return business.  People like what we do and come back.  That is empowering.  A customer that bought a $500 doll from Norway last year, came back for another one.  She has confidence in us.  That feels really good.
Thank you to our customers, to our family, to our friends, and most important, to God.  David

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