Saturday, March 29, 2014

two by fours

Now and then I find myself realizing just how much of a curmudgeon I can be.  As I get older I am more certain of what I like, what I want, how things should be, etc. etc.
Gets pretty tough to be around.  No I don't like that.  I want this.  We should do this not that.  You get the idea. 
It makes it pretty hard to get a word in edgewise when the person you love doesn't listen.  It makes it tough when you feel your thoughts, wants, needs are not considered.
I get that.  I want my thoughts, wants, needs considered too. 
I can be pretty demonstrative.  I don't want to do that.  I spent many years where my wants and needs were totally disregarded and even belittled.
So.  Today.  I am going to work on that.  I want to listen more.  I WANT to know what my sweetheart wants and needs.  Its important to me.  She is important to me.
This is where the two by four comes into play.  Now and then, I need a virtual (not real) two by four up side the head. 
If you are wondering if Rita and I had some big argument, not even close.  She was down and upset, and we talked.  But it became clear to me that I need to listen more. 
The good Lord gives us what we need.  Rita is just what I need.  And I need to cherish, honor, and listen to her more.  What an opportunity!  David

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