Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A shout out and a hint!

Often my blogs have nothing whatsoever to do with dolls.  I found that just gets plain boring for some people.  I wanted this blog to be a way for people to get to know us a little bit more.  No complaining, just life.
Today, though, I am compelled to bring up dolls.  And our customers.  When we first started our business, we did it on a shoestring and a prayer.  We asked the Good Lord to bless our efforts, and to use our dolls to bless our customers.  He said YES!. 
Our dolls have gone to abuse victims, mothers of little ones that died, mothers of babies that have grown and moved away, little girls wanting to nurture, the list goes on and on.  I had no idea when we started what He could do with Rita's talent and our hard work.  I am still amazed.
Sunday, we sold a doll at auction.  Now this story is not nearly so dramatic as those I just wrote about.  But it was fun none the less.
We sold a doll at auction.  Usually our dolls are at a set price, buy it now, no hassle with auctions.  But during our slower months (January, February, March, June, July, August), we will put up a doll at auction.  We start them at a very low price and hope for the best.  One reason we do this is auctions generate a LOT of interest.  It brings customers into our eBay store and they can look through all we have to offer.
So, the hint is, if you want one of our dolls at a lower price, the best way is to watch for our auctions!  Bidding on an auction is fun and you can get quite a deal!  Just be careful not to get too far into it and overspend.  Its easy to do.  I have done it. 
My shout out is to Carla.  Our newest auction customer.  She won the auction for Candy by Donna Rubert.  This was a new sculpt for us and she really turned out cute.
Carla, it turns out is just the nicest customer!  She was really excited during the auction process.  She said the nicest thing to us.  She said, "I am beyond thrilled to have won this truly beautiful doll..just amazed!  .....  I am still in shock I actually won.....never thought I could own one of your dolls!"
Rita was flattered beyond belief.  To us, we just make dolls.  We do our best to make a great doll that someone will enjoy.  It turns out, Carla has followed our dolls, and even read this blog!  How about that.  A fan club.  Seems kind of overwhelming.
I ride Rita's coattails.  She does the artwork, I do the grunt work.  I could make doll bodies and build dolls all day long, and not make them look like she does.  I get to take the pictures and maintain the listings and database.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE doing it, but Rita is the true talent in this organization.  Truly.
So, thank you to Carla, for that wonderful shot in the arm.  It made us, once again, realize just how special our efforts are.  David

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