Monday, March 10, 2014

A small world

It seems my big brother has been on my mind a lot lately.  He is often a part of my conversations with Rita.
After we reconnected, it was fun discovering all the many similarities in our lives.  Mike and I love business.  We love politics (thank goodness we mostly agree!).  We love the outdoors.  We love sports.  We love fishing.  The list goes on and on.
We have a few differences though.  He likes broccoli and brussels sprouts.   I like asparagus.  Go figure.
Last night though, I discovered a difference that shocked me.  He likes the Disney "Its a small world."  Holy canarski Batman!
Don't get me wrong.  The ride is fine.  The dolls are cute and animated.  The international theme is commendable.  I loved taking my daughters to Small World when they were young.  Seeing a little girls eyes light up, is an awesome experience.
Its that awful song.  I would rather listen to screeching chalk on the chalkboard.  It gets in your head and STAYS there.  For weeks.  Its worse than waterboarding!  UGH!
I tried to convince him that song was a communist plot to soften our young children's minds and make them more susceptible to propaganda.  He would have nothing of it.  He likes it.
Oh well.  His high patriarchal mantle has slipped a bit.  Maybe even rusted. 
Maybe he is just getting mushy in his golden years.  Oh well.  David 

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