Monday, February 10, 2014

Busy-ness and stress. Love it.

Its a great day!  Pretty sunrise, cool air, fire in the fireplace.  Things to do.
We have been blessed with some dolls to make and some orders to fill.  Two are ready to ship out this morning.
I can't imagine having a life with nothing to do.  Yes, my life has stress.  Money, the business, worrying about the economy, waiting for supplies to arrive in time, etc.
But I wouldn't trade it for the world.  I look back at my parents lives.  Dad had a heart attack and angina.  It knocked a vital man out of commission.  He went through bouts of depression.  But he looked for interesting things to do.  He looked to gardening, wood carving, traveling, etc.  It helped.  He made friends along the way. 
But I am certain he longed for being able to go back to work.  I am certain of it.  It was who he was.  He WAS Norco real estate.  It was his identity.  He died way to soon.  Twenty-three years later and I still miss him. 
Mom, was a vital active woman.  She was professional in every sense of the word.  She truly enjoyed making a difference in the many jobs she had.  Medical office manager, Executive secretary, and eventually working for the Board of Supervisors in Riverside County.  She loved it. 
Eventually mom retired.  But, she didn't really.  She was active in her Senior Mobile Home Park.  She was secretary to the RPEA, she worked with the executives in Red Cross, she was active in her church. 
Retired?  Hah.  I don't think so. 
Eventually, age began to catch up to her. 
After she married Keith, they were still active, travelling, working, enjoying life. 
Eventually Keith had a stroke and it shut many things down.  Mom was still active in the park and church, but it just became too hard.  They did their best to keep things active, but it was difficult.  It took a toll on both of them.
There is a reason I am reciting this.  I believe their lives were better and more interesting in their "golden years" as a result of staying active and vital.
I see Rita's and my business as a means of enjoying life.  We are looking forward to many years of helping people all around the world find that special doll.  Sounds silly.  But there are many women out there that need that in their lives.  It seems to fill a hole.
Yes, my days have stress and worry, but its the good kind.  It has taught me much about relying upon the Lord for my daily bread.  I am grateful for the stress.  I am vital and I love this life He has given me.  I choose happiness!  David

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