Thursday, January 30, 2014

Super Bowl and self motivation

Looking forward to the Super Bowl!  I am not a rabid football fan, I watch a couple of games during the year, follow who is who, and wait for the playoffs.
This year ought to be a blowout.  We will see.
I am trying to decide what to have for eats during the game.  We are making a big pot of chili.  I am not sure what to have with it.
Poppers?  Wings?  Breadsticks?  Nachos?  Velveeta dip?  Tofu?  Maybe just some home made bread to go with the chili.  We will see. 
Depends on the amount of energy I have.  Hmmm

Lately, Rita and I have had a hard time jumpstarting our business days.  It is so hard to be self-motivated.  When things are not pressing, it is too easy to enjoy our time drinking coffee out on the porch (while the rest of the country freezes). 
But maybe that is just what we need.  What is more important?  An extra doll to sell?  A few bucks we can put in our pocket?  Or time together?
It is hard to know the balance.  We want to have a greater income to make things a bit easier.  But we also want our time together.

How many times in a football game have I seen a team get way ahead, and become complacent?  The offense doesn't have the same fire in there belly, and the defense gets tired?  The opposition sees this weakness and exploits it?
I saw Brett Favre and the packers score seventeen points in less than three minutes to win a game.  If only the their opponent had been more self motivated.

I am glad doll making isn't football.  We make a doll, or we don't.  It is our choice.  I like taking a day off now and then.  I like my porch time.  I like talking to Rita.  This is much nicer than football.  Easier on the knees.  I might have a concussion though.  Might explain some things.  David

Monday, January 27, 2014

rise and shine!

If the early bird gets the worm, then why does the second mouse get the cheese?

I would rather have the cheese than the worm.  Ugh.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

"just another day"

Almost always, I start my prayers with "Father, thank you for this day" and then rattle off the usual list of things I am grateful for.  And I am grateful.  But sometimes this part of my prayer seems rote, the preamble to the real prayer.  The part I have to do before I get to the meat.  What it is I want. 
What my troubles or concerns are.  Oh yeah, God, if you could make my back feel a little bit better. 
Or, I sure could use some more money.  Etc.  You get the idea.

But THIS day, I am truly appreciative.  This day, I get to see the sunrise.  Have you ever watched a sunrise?  I mean really watched it.  Sat in a comfortable chair, with your puppy dog by your side, and watched this incredible transformation?  To sit in darkness, and see first light just peeking in.  A few birds start their day, going to their feeding grounds to meet their needs.

Have a sip of coffee before it gets cold.  Let it warm you.

When I think of this experience, I can't help thinking of the "Nutcracker Suite."  It starts out so very slow.  Almost melancholy.  And builds from there.

The morning light begins to build slowly, but at a quickening pace.  More birds fly.  Some morning traffic gets going.  Little people in their little cars, seemingly unaware of the glorious event taking over this morning.  Thinking about work, or daycare, or their boss, or money problems.

I feel special, being able to see this, appreciate this, while so many do not.  I am certainly no better than everyone else.  How many thousands of sunrises have I missed too?  But today, this moment, I feel special.

Things start getting a little crazier.  More and more birds.  More and more cars.  Honking.  Birds and cars.  Voices.  The days business begins.

The sky is so much brighter now!  If you are lucky, a few clouds are in the sky to lend their paint palette to you.  Oh, the glorious colors!  He painted this just for me.  Well, and for all of us, if we are willing to stop and look.

It is getting very close now.  I can't wait!  It seems like it has been hours, but not that long.  My impatience sometimes gets the best of me.  But, not today.  I am determined not to allow my ADD to distract me.  I want this experience.

The Nutcracker is near full crescendo!

Suddenly, BLAM!  There it is!  A sudden exuberance of daylight thrust in my face.  It is almost overwhelming.  A new beginning.  A new dawn.  A new day.  A fresh start.  Yesterday is gone.

Today is in full gear.   Officially.  And I got to watch it start.

Several times, in my life, My Father has given me a new start.  A fresh beginning.  But He sent me to this second chance, a little smarter.  A little wiser.  Hopefully, I will remember.  And be appreciative.
So, today, Heavenly Father, thank you for this day.  For this second chance.  For this new beginning.

Its not just another day.  It is THIS day and I am grateful.  David

Friday, January 24, 2014

A piece o' da pizza

Must be getting old.  Seriously. 
As usual, woke up, let the dog out, went to the bathroom, made the coffee, BUT!  Today was that little extra that makes life just a little bit better.  Pizza. 
Last night, Rita and I did some much needed clothes shopping for the dolls.  Got a bunch of outfits at some really good prices.  The trip was well worth it.  While we were at Kmart, I bought two Little Caesar's Pizzas.  Cheap pizza at a good price.  Oh yeah. 
We sat in the parking lot and ate.  Not exactly romantic, but it was nice.  But all I ate was two pieces!  That's it!  We're talking two by four inch pieces.  And I was full.  Hell, that used to be just the warm up to the appetizer before mowing down the whole pizza!  I am a big guy with a big appetite. 
Lately I have noticed the amount I need to satisfy me has shrunk.  But not pizza!  Heck no!  But, alas, two pieces was all I ate.  A couple of hours later I had another piece.  One.  And not because I was hungry.  I just wanted it.  I was sorry I ate it.
This morning, I woke up thinking about pizza with my coffee.  A favorite of mine.  After a couple of bites, it tasted like eating bread, grease, and salt.  Ugh.
I fed the rest to the dog.  Damn.
I NEVER feed pizza to the dog.  Well, maybe a small bite of the crust.  But I fed him the whole piece.
He seemed pretty happy about the whole thing.
I am well aware that pizza is probably one of my major diet downfalls.  I don't eat it too often.  But when I do, I intend to fully enjoy it.  Fully.  Not feed it to the dog.
So, I guess its time to quit ordering two pizzas.  Just one will do.  That's a good thing.  God knows I don't need it.  Maybe He's trying to tell me something. 
In retrospect, I have always enjoyed good food.  Its the spice of life for me.  I guess my definition of good food is maturing, and realizing that a salad may have made that meal more enjoyable. 
Just one piece o' da pizza.  Not the whole damn thing.  Not anymore.  David

Thursday, January 23, 2014

A time to sew....

I am not too surprised to discover that each season brings different challenges to Little Darlins Nursery.  Christmas is obvious.  Its the craziness challenge.  So many orders, so many details.  Daunting to just think about it.
The third quarter (July through September), people are on vacation, kids going back to school, people realizing they have to save some money up for Christmas.
Second quarter (April through June) can be a great opportunity.  I was rather surprised to find that we have had Aprils that beat out November!  Its after tax time, people have recovered from the previous Christmas, and some purse strings can loosen.  Often, people have been looking for just the right reborn, and April is the time to splurge on themselves.
But, first quarter, is an incredible toughie on us.   After Christmas, disposable income was used up.  Customers are reluctant to put out money on a non-essential item. 
Our data shows we have nearly as many visitors to our sites as the rest of the year, but no bites.  We put all our dolls on sale and hope for the best.
Yesterday, Rita had an interesting idea.  Since there are so few dolls being purchased, we need to stand out from the rest of the pack.  Our pictures have to capture that "awwww" factor.  Our pictures need to tug at the heartstrings. 
The right face, hair, eyes, etc. are all vital.  But one thing I used to do, in order to save money, was to make our own clothing for the dolls.  Doll clothes can be a considerable expense.  I could make really cute outfits for half the price.  It just took time.
In order to save time and make more dolls, we started using all store bought clothing.  Things go a lot faster, but we lost that special something that made our dolls stand out from the pack.
I am looking forward to making some new outfits for our dolls.  I have been very proud in the past of seeing the pictures of our dolls with my creations.
Ought to be fun.
A time to weep.  A time to smile.  A time to sew.  Yup.  Its time.  David

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How I love my morning time....

A cuppa coffee, warm slippers, a friendly cat (fleester), and the morning news.  I love the brief solitude I have where I can wake up, pet the cat, see what's happening in the world around me, and plan my day.
I find that my days tend to go better when I can do that.  If that gets disrupted for whatever reason, I just don't seem to do as well.  I don't handle little disruptions as well.  I am not at peace.
Yet, if I can start my day in such a simple way, I do better.  Things just seem to flow.  Sometimes I feel guilty wanting that.  I am a little jealous of my time. 
I think I am not so nice, not sharing it with Rita.  But if I share that time, then it is not solitude.  Its not reading the news.  Its not quiet.  Its not contemplative.
Even posting to this blog helps me in this quest.  It forces me to put my thoughts in order before the day begins.  That way, I am awake, my thoughts are organized (somewhat), and I am happier.
I just plain like my brief time alone.  There, I said it.  I like it.  I have always been that way. 
When I was a kid, I woke up early to deliver the newspapers to my neighbors.  It was usually 4AM, dark, everyone else was asleep.  Except sometimes Dad who, from time to time, would help me put the rubber bands around the papers to get ready for delivery.
Now, its coffee, and preparing to make dolls.  I love it.
Thank you for sharing my little piece of solitude.  Its going to be a good day.  Gotta make it mine.  D

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Shipping day!

I look forward to shipping days.  It is the culmination of our doll making process.  We place the ads, buy the supplies, do the painting, root the hair (painstaking), stuff the limbs and head, I sew the body and add the joints, assemble the doll, give her eyelashes, dress her, take pictures, email the customer, and finally, ship her out to her new mommy.
Its a long process that we have refined over and over.  We are pretty good at it.  Yesterday, an Ariella sold.  This was a ready-made doll (not custom made).
Our new customer said she has been watching the listing for weeks.  We slashed the price and she bought it.  Blessings all around.  This excited lady is getting the doll she wants.  She is getting a good price.  We have money to pay our eBay fees.  And, we can use the room (sometimes dolls get in the way....)
Shipping day can be a little stressful for me though.  Getting all the right items together (pacifier, blanket, etc) can be tricky.  I don't want to have a doll get there and be missing anything.  That gives our customer some dissatisfaction.
Also, printing the shipping labels can cause me some stress.  If the is the last day to ship, I have to print the label out right away.  And if the printer gets fussy.... oh boy.
Once the doll is packaged, the label printed and taped on, and waiting for Jody our postal carrier, I can rest easy.  I have a sense of accomplishment.
There is still a little bit of nervousness though.  We always wait for the customer to send us feedback.  Was it all she thought it would be?
When we get a picture of one of our babies in a stroller, or being held in her new mama's arms, we can rest easy.  We can know we did well.  David

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

MMM..... blessings

Oh yeah.  Dinner was a hit.  Steak in butter with garlic.  Maryland style shrimp.  Big ones.  Baked potato.  How did I get so lucky to have such a wonderful wife, a good business, a nice home, friends, AND good food? 
Sometimes the blessings overwhelm me.  All I can give Him is my thanks and praise.  mmmm......

Monday, January 13, 2014

Mmm.... Steak and shrimp. Maryland style

My friends and family know I love good food.  Too much.  But, for me, its the spice of life.  Why have a can of Campbell's chicken soup when you can have the real thing? 
I love to cook.  I love the look on someone's face when they take a bite of one of my creations and roll their eyes.  I love sitting down with Rita at the end of the day and sharing that which I have made.  Kind of makes the day more worthwhile.
Tonight, I am making her steak and Old Bay shrimp.  Baked potato.  One of my "go to" meals that is sure to please.
For me, its a great way to get our new year rolling.  A great way to celebrate the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of the doll season.  To celebrate putting our plans for the business into effect.
Time to celebrate this day that the Lord hath made.  Yum. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The day after.... the "After Christmas" party!

Whew!  The food is put away.  The dishes are washed.  Decorations are slowly coming down (sad).  But the memories of last night will be with me for a long time.  From my buddy Larry and his puppy Gordita, to my brother Mike and his wife Linda,  sister Susie, son Sean, wife Jamie and granddaughter Tori.  Neighbor Brenda rounded out the fun.
The best part of the night was sitting on the porch and having three different conversations going at once.  My poor old brain just heard noise. 
Tori charmed the socks off this old grandpa.  The Christmas gift game was a hoot.  The food was wonderful (if I do say so myself...). 
This is what I live for.  Family and friends.  Connections. 
Left me this morning missing my other kids.  Wish they could have been here.  Someday.  Maybe.
For now, I am happy with the many blessings God has given me. 
Thanks and praise go to Him.  He gives me what I need when I need it.  :-)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The "After Christmas" party!

Today, January eleventh, family and friends will gather at our home for our "After Christmas" gala!  (Well, not really a gala, more like a get together.  Gala sounds so much more impressive).
The tree and decorations are still up, and all the fun trimmings are here.  We are having pulled pork barbeque and meatball subs.  Potato salad.  Macaroni salad.  Chips and dip.  Veggies.  Even a pumpkin loaf we bought from a fundraiser at church.  Everybody there said the pumpkin roll thingie is the best ever.  I can't wait!
We have a few gifts to pass out, and the Christmas gift game.  Ought to be fun.
My best friend Larry is bringing some Snickerdoodle coffee.  It's my favorite.  I haven't had it in years.  Larry and I shared many a cup of coffee over the years just enjoying each others company.
Larry is also bringing his sweet, cute, fat Chihuahua "Gordita."  This will give Mookie someone to play with.  Should provide lots of entertainment.
Each year, we leave our decorations up until January sixth.  This is through the twelve days of Christmas until the Epiphany.  This is Rita's idea.  She had done this many years before we met.  I like the idea of maintaining the Christmas spirit a little longer.  Besides, Rita likes the house decorated all nice and pretty.
My sister Susie and brother Mike and his wife Linda are coming too.  Can't wait.  My son Sean is bringing his wife Jamie and my granddaughter Tori.  Unfortunately my grandson Mikey can't be here.  We will send his present home with them.
I think what I am most looking forward to is watching Jamie and my brother Mike go at it.  There is some light hearted banter between them that is always entertaining.
Personally, I think this is the best way to start off our New Year.  Family, fun, and food.  Sublime.  :-)