Sunday, January 12, 2014

The day after.... the "After Christmas" party!

Whew!  The food is put away.  The dishes are washed.  Decorations are slowly coming down (sad).  But the memories of last night will be with me for a long time.  From my buddy Larry and his puppy Gordita, to my brother Mike and his wife Linda,  sister Susie, son Sean, wife Jamie and granddaughter Tori.  Neighbor Brenda rounded out the fun.
The best part of the night was sitting on the porch and having three different conversations going at once.  My poor old brain just heard noise. 
Tori charmed the socks off this old grandpa.  The Christmas gift game was a hoot.  The food was wonderful (if I do say so myself...). 
This is what I live for.  Family and friends.  Connections. 
Left me this morning missing my other kids.  Wish they could have been here.  Someday.  Maybe.
For now, I am happy with the many blessings God has given me. 
Thanks and praise go to Him.  He gives me what I need when I need it.  :-)

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