Thursday, January 30, 2014

Super Bowl and self motivation

Looking forward to the Super Bowl!  I am not a rabid football fan, I watch a couple of games during the year, follow who is who, and wait for the playoffs.
This year ought to be a blowout.  We will see.
I am trying to decide what to have for eats during the game.  We are making a big pot of chili.  I am not sure what to have with it.
Poppers?  Wings?  Breadsticks?  Nachos?  Velveeta dip?  Tofu?  Maybe just some home made bread to go with the chili.  We will see. 
Depends on the amount of energy I have.  Hmmm

Lately, Rita and I have had a hard time jumpstarting our business days.  It is so hard to be self-motivated.  When things are not pressing, it is too easy to enjoy our time drinking coffee out on the porch (while the rest of the country freezes). 
But maybe that is just what we need.  What is more important?  An extra doll to sell?  A few bucks we can put in our pocket?  Or time together?
It is hard to know the balance.  We want to have a greater income to make things a bit easier.  But we also want our time together.

How many times in a football game have I seen a team get way ahead, and become complacent?  The offense doesn't have the same fire in there belly, and the defense gets tired?  The opposition sees this weakness and exploits it?
I saw Brett Favre and the packers score seventeen points in less than three minutes to win a game.  If only the their opponent had been more self motivated.

I am glad doll making isn't football.  We make a doll, or we don't.  It is our choice.  I like taking a day off now and then.  I like my porch time.  I like talking to Rita.  This is much nicer than football.  Easier on the knees.  I might have a concussion though.  Might explain some things.  David

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