Sunday, January 26, 2014

"just another day"

Almost always, I start my prayers with "Father, thank you for this day" and then rattle off the usual list of things I am grateful for.  And I am grateful.  But sometimes this part of my prayer seems rote, the preamble to the real prayer.  The part I have to do before I get to the meat.  What it is I want. 
What my troubles or concerns are.  Oh yeah, God, if you could make my back feel a little bit better. 
Or, I sure could use some more money.  Etc.  You get the idea.

But THIS day, I am truly appreciative.  This day, I get to see the sunrise.  Have you ever watched a sunrise?  I mean really watched it.  Sat in a comfortable chair, with your puppy dog by your side, and watched this incredible transformation?  To sit in darkness, and see first light just peeking in.  A few birds start their day, going to their feeding grounds to meet their needs.

Have a sip of coffee before it gets cold.  Let it warm you.

When I think of this experience, I can't help thinking of the "Nutcracker Suite."  It starts out so very slow.  Almost melancholy.  And builds from there.

The morning light begins to build slowly, but at a quickening pace.  More birds fly.  Some morning traffic gets going.  Little people in their little cars, seemingly unaware of the glorious event taking over this morning.  Thinking about work, or daycare, or their boss, or money problems.

I feel special, being able to see this, appreciate this, while so many do not.  I am certainly no better than everyone else.  How many thousands of sunrises have I missed too?  But today, this moment, I feel special.

Things start getting a little crazier.  More and more birds.  More and more cars.  Honking.  Birds and cars.  Voices.  The days business begins.

The sky is so much brighter now!  If you are lucky, a few clouds are in the sky to lend their paint palette to you.  Oh, the glorious colors!  He painted this just for me.  Well, and for all of us, if we are willing to stop and look.

It is getting very close now.  I can't wait!  It seems like it has been hours, but not that long.  My impatience sometimes gets the best of me.  But, not today.  I am determined not to allow my ADD to distract me.  I want this experience.

The Nutcracker is near full crescendo!

Suddenly, BLAM!  There it is!  A sudden exuberance of daylight thrust in my face.  It is almost overwhelming.  A new beginning.  A new dawn.  A new day.  A fresh start.  Yesterday is gone.

Today is in full gear.   Officially.  And I got to watch it start.

Several times, in my life, My Father has given me a new start.  A fresh beginning.  But He sent me to this second chance, a little smarter.  A little wiser.  Hopefully, I will remember.  And be appreciative.
So, today, Heavenly Father, thank you for this day.  For this second chance.  For this new beginning.

Its not just another day.  It is THIS day and I am grateful.  David

1 comment:

  1. It reminds of a song. It is called Morning Light. It starts out so slowly that it takes all of my patience to get through it. But then you can tell just when the sun has risen. It is at a full crescendo. What a beautiful morning you had! Susie
