Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How I love my morning time....

A cuppa coffee, warm slippers, a friendly cat (fleester), and the morning news.  I love the brief solitude I have where I can wake up, pet the cat, see what's happening in the world around me, and plan my day.
I find that my days tend to go better when I can do that.  If that gets disrupted for whatever reason, I just don't seem to do as well.  I don't handle little disruptions as well.  I am not at peace.
Yet, if I can start my day in such a simple way, I do better.  Things just seem to flow.  Sometimes I feel guilty wanting that.  I am a little jealous of my time. 
I think I am not so nice, not sharing it with Rita.  But if I share that time, then it is not solitude.  Its not reading the news.  Its not quiet.  Its not contemplative.
Even posting to this blog helps me in this quest.  It forces me to put my thoughts in order before the day begins.  That way, I am awake, my thoughts are organized (somewhat), and I am happier.
I just plain like my brief time alone.  There, I said it.  I like it.  I have always been that way. 
When I was a kid, I woke up early to deliver the newspapers to my neighbors.  It was usually 4AM, dark, everyone else was asleep.  Except sometimes Dad who, from time to time, would help me put the rubber bands around the papers to get ready for delivery.
Now, its coffee, and preparing to make dolls.  I love it.
Thank you for sharing my little piece of solitude.  Its going to be a good day.  Gotta make it mine.  D

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