Saturday, January 11, 2014

The "After Christmas" party!

Today, January eleventh, family and friends will gather at our home for our "After Christmas" gala!  (Well, not really a gala, more like a get together.  Gala sounds so much more impressive).
The tree and decorations are still up, and all the fun trimmings are here.  We are having pulled pork barbeque and meatball subs.  Potato salad.  Macaroni salad.  Chips and dip.  Veggies.  Even a pumpkin loaf we bought from a fundraiser at church.  Everybody there said the pumpkin roll thingie is the best ever.  I can't wait!
We have a few gifts to pass out, and the Christmas gift game.  Ought to be fun.
My best friend Larry is bringing some Snickerdoodle coffee.  It's my favorite.  I haven't had it in years.  Larry and I shared many a cup of coffee over the years just enjoying each others company.
Larry is also bringing his sweet, cute, fat Chihuahua "Gordita."  This will give Mookie someone to play with.  Should provide lots of entertainment.
Each year, we leave our decorations up until January sixth.  This is through the twelve days of Christmas until the Epiphany.  This is Rita's idea.  She had done this many years before we met.  I like the idea of maintaining the Christmas spirit a little longer.  Besides, Rita likes the house decorated all nice and pretty.
My sister Susie and brother Mike and his wife Linda are coming too.  Can't wait.  My son Sean is bringing his wife Jamie and my granddaughter Tori.  Unfortunately my grandson Mikey can't be here.  We will send his present home with them.
I think what I am most looking forward to is watching Jamie and my brother Mike go at it.  There is some light hearted banter between them that is always entertaining.
Personally, I think this is the best way to start off our New Year.  Family, fun, and food.  Sublime.  :-)

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