Friday, January 24, 2014

A piece o' da pizza

Must be getting old.  Seriously. 
As usual, woke up, let the dog out, went to the bathroom, made the coffee, BUT!  Today was that little extra that makes life just a little bit better.  Pizza. 
Last night, Rita and I did some much needed clothes shopping for the dolls.  Got a bunch of outfits at some really good prices.  The trip was well worth it.  While we were at Kmart, I bought two Little Caesar's Pizzas.  Cheap pizza at a good price.  Oh yeah. 
We sat in the parking lot and ate.  Not exactly romantic, but it was nice.  But all I ate was two pieces!  That's it!  We're talking two by four inch pieces.  And I was full.  Hell, that used to be just the warm up to the appetizer before mowing down the whole pizza!  I am a big guy with a big appetite. 
Lately I have noticed the amount I need to satisfy me has shrunk.  But not pizza!  Heck no!  But, alas, two pieces was all I ate.  A couple of hours later I had another piece.  One.  And not because I was hungry.  I just wanted it.  I was sorry I ate it.
This morning, I woke up thinking about pizza with my coffee.  A favorite of mine.  After a couple of bites, it tasted like eating bread, grease, and salt.  Ugh.
I fed the rest to the dog.  Damn.
I NEVER feed pizza to the dog.  Well, maybe a small bite of the crust.  But I fed him the whole piece.
He seemed pretty happy about the whole thing.
I am well aware that pizza is probably one of my major diet downfalls.  I don't eat it too often.  But when I do, I intend to fully enjoy it.  Fully.  Not feed it to the dog.
So, I guess its time to quit ordering two pizzas.  Just one will do.  That's a good thing.  God knows I don't need it.  Maybe He's trying to tell me something. 
In retrospect, I have always enjoyed good food.  Its the spice of life for me.  I guess my definition of good food is maturing, and realizing that a salad may have made that meal more enjoyable. 
Just one piece o' da pizza.  Not the whole damn thing.  Not anymore.  David

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