Monday, January 13, 2014

Mmm.... Steak and shrimp. Maryland style

My friends and family know I love good food.  Too much.  But, for me, its the spice of life.  Why have a can of Campbell's chicken soup when you can have the real thing? 
I love to cook.  I love the look on someone's face when they take a bite of one of my creations and roll their eyes.  I love sitting down with Rita at the end of the day and sharing that which I have made.  Kind of makes the day more worthwhile.
Tonight, I am making her steak and Old Bay shrimp.  Baked potato.  One of my "go to" meals that is sure to please.
For me, its a great way to get our new year rolling.  A great way to celebrate the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of the doll season.  To celebrate putting our plans for the business into effect.
Time to celebrate this day that the Lord hath made.  Yum. 

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