Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ain't nuthin to it....

Last night Rita and I watched "The Voice."  There was a young country boy that was facing a singing challenge from his mentor.  The rehearsals were done, he knew the lyrics, he knew what was expected.  He had spent the whole week perfecting his craft. 
It was just about time to sing for the judges.  Facing his supportive family he said, "Ain't nuthin to it but to do it!"
That little phrase seemed kind of profound.  Simple.  But it says it all.  You can prepare, plan, and strategize all you want, but there comes a time when performing counts.  When you make it happen.  When you give it your best shot.  Win or lose, succeed or fail, its time.
If you don't do it, you will never know.  You will never learn and grow. 
It reminds me of a poster that asked, "What could you accomplish if you knew you could not fail?"  Books have been written about facing your fears, using those butterflies in your stomach to propel you.  We humans are so very different from the other species on this planet.  We strive to do better, we compete, we push ourselves to the limit.  We build hospitals.  We race down icy luges at ungodly speeds to see how fast we can go.  We do the first heart transplant.  We climb that mountain to see the view from the top.  We swim the English channel.  We do the unthinkable.  No other animal does that. 
I am amazed by all we, the human species, have accomplished in my lifetime.  We landed on the moon at a time when computers took up whole buildings.  We have landed on Mars and explored its surface.  We have looked so deep into space it is well past my ability to fathom.  We found planets outside our solar system! 
Our ability to achieve, to persevere, to face the odds, is what makes us unique.  While you can look at wars, corruption, and other evil, its all part of the human package.  But we keep achieving more, going faster, and building taller buildings in spite of all that.
As for myself, my fears do hold me back from time to time.  But I see my human counterparts doing all this and I realize I can do more.  I am inspired. 
I have spent my life preparing.  I have spent my life learning.  I have spent my life hoping.  Now is the time.  Now is the moment. 
"Ain't nuthin to it but to do it!"  David

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