Friday, April 18, 2014


In this day and age, we see all kinds of atheist banter.  It is proclaimed from on high there is no God.  It is even in our capitol buildings all in the name of fairness.  Okay fine.  Have your say.  But here is mine.
Today is Good Friday.  For those of you who do not know, today is the day we Christians celebrate the death of Christ.  We celebrate his death.  The death of our King.  Go figure.  You would think we would want Him alive.
His death was foretold in the Old Testament. 
He was born of a virgin birth.
He was sinless.
He healed.
He gave sight to the blind.
He gave hearing to the deaf.
He gave life to Lazarus.
He walked upon water.  Really.
He turned water into wine.
He made those that did not believe afraid.
They killed Him in the worst way.
They tortured Him.
They humiliated Him.
They forced a crown of thorns on His head.
They stabbed Him in His side.
They forced Him to carry his own cross through the streets to be mocked.
They nailed Him to the cross. 
Nails in His hands and feet.
Nails.  Big ones.
He was left to die of blood loss and exposure.
And He forgave them.
After all that, He forgave them.
And He died.
He was buried in a tomb.
Three days later, He was risen to be seated at the right hand of God.
And He forgave me.  He loves me.
And he can forgive you.  He loves you too.
I hope this helps.  David

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